Auld Lang Syne

Friday, August 19, 2011

Long time, no blog

Well, a week-long workshop and I'm pooped! But in a good way. I have been writing massively for two solid weeks, maybe in preparation for going to Star Island again (Sept). I have to say I love that place as it is purely generative for me (and for my writing). The first time I went was three years ago. I checked into my room and discovered it overlooked the dock, with its light at the end. I felt positively Gatsbyesque. I got a poem that first night before the workshop had even met! I post that poem here for your enjoyment.

Curtain Psalm

The curtain lifts in amazement

that the sea would move it, breathy

and salted over my face,

over my worshipping face.

Still, I lie here as the day goes

silent against the horizon,

pink blood like pierced lungs,

like lungs pierced by beauty.

The curtain brushes first

the sill, then my hair, retreats

as if it went too far, too close,

closer than a first kiss should dare.

The day, dying by inches in the sea,

won’t tell of kissing or blood

as it goes. Still, as night waits

to raise its white eye, I sing down the day.

The curtain stills its shadow, waits

for the next sun to find it again. Dark

ghosts go by in the wind, sigh

for love of a day that could not stay.

So I look forward every September to the 4 days of retreat from the mainland and bustle of overly civilized world. The hotel there is 19th Century and a bit like camping in a hotel. The food is great, served family style, and the people are wonderful. It is great to go to a workshop where there is NO pressure to produce or participate. Do as you like when you like. I love sitting on the big veranda in the rockers and letting the sea and air and sky and light sweep me clean. It is so refreshing.

Having said that, I love being busy with my writing. Star is good for that too. Gets in and makes the muse eager.

I am busy with today's list of to-do items, so I will leave you to read the poem and think about where YOU go for regenerative solitude. Feel free to share.

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