Auld Lang Syne

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Here it is: the sun

I just finished reading Dawn Potter's blog post for today and am in a funk. She comments on the recent murders of an entire family (mother, two kids, and the sick father who killed them all and himself) in Dexter, Maine. It is heartbreaking to say the least. I am inclined to rant on here about the need for women and kids to speak up loudly and long about their abuse, about the need for courts and the whole legal world to stop playing legal games and H-E-L-P them. But I will not. I grieve for this helpless family, now erased from their own lives. I may never erase the image of their family photo from my mind's eye. But I will promise to speak out wherever and whenever I can on behalf of ending domestic violence. Abuse comes in many shades, people. We need to take off our dark glasses and see it.

Now... the sun is out and I will get dressed and move toward the light.

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