Auld Lang Syne

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Breathing Room

Have you ever attended an event (in my case a poetry workshop) and felt so exhausted from the goodness of it that you needed time off to sleep, regroup, recharge? Well here I am, one day removed from Kathleen Ellis' poetry Workshop at the Farnsworth Art Museum and I am in need of (possible choices):

1. a day at the beach
2. a day on my front porch with cool lemonade and chocolate
3. a day with lots of sleeping
4. a day at sea on a schooner

So I'm thinking that #2 is most likely, but now I have to drive somewhere to get the chocolate and lemons, and then SQUEEZE the lemons. Maybe I'll sleep a little and sit on the porch with a Moxie and read. But then I will get inspired and want to WRITE. Oh, Muse, why do you pester me so?

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